Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Yesterday was a holiday in Italy, Immaculata (the Immaculate Conception).  Fabri of course had to go to work (poor Fabri), but I went shopping with his mom and sisters (yay for me)!!  We went to Metro in Turin.  I think I've mentioned Metro before, it's a Sam's Club type store.  They have a lot of restaurant supplies and a ton of food in a warehouse store.  You can find some good deals, but often things cost the same at the grocery store.  I like Metro though because you can find foods that you can't at the grocery store.  I bought an 11 lb bag of long grain rice, a couple of bottles of soy sauce, a big jar of salsa and my favorite Dunkel beer

Then we girls went to lunch and did a little window shopping along the way.  After lunch we returned to Savigliano and met Fabri & Olney.  The three of us walked around Savigliano and bought a few things at a flea market there.  When we returned to Fabri's parents' house, Maria Pia was ready to go make one more shopping stop in nearby Genola.  We went to a couple of discount stores there (gotta love those discount stores!) and came home with a new piece of furniture....and a bunch of small stuff.  Hey, when you're in that shopping spirit, you gotta shop!
Lit Menorah
From Christmas Time 2010
After that it was time to go home before we decided to go to ANOTHER store, so we loaded up my car with all of our purchases and headed back to Saluzzo.  Then Fabri & I put on the Christmas music, lit the menorah for the 8th night of Hanukkah and decorated our house for Christmas.
Lovely Little Tree
From Christmas Time 2010
We had a lot of fun putting up the tree and spreading around all of the holiday decorations we've collected over the years a lot of which were handmade by my grandparents!  Now it's feeling a LOT like Christmas!
Christmas Bamboo with new ornaments from Mom
From Christmas Time 2010

1 comment:

Mom said...

It looks very festive there! I think the Menorah is so pretty.
from Mom xoxo