Wednesday, December 22, 2010

3 Days til Christmas

Did I tell you the horrible secret?  It may be 3 days until Christmas, but Fabri's family has a big dinner/celebration on Christmas Eve!  We will have the infamous dinner of the 7 Fishes ending around midnight.  So the point is that I don't just have to be ready for Christmas, I have to be ready for Christmas Eve!  But I'll be ready, no problem.  My cookies are almost all made.  I'm going to try Laura's microwave fudge today and I need to make another batch of snowball cookies because they're Fabri's favorites. 
New baking mat makes cookie making easy!
Yesterday I made a big batch of sugar cookies.  I was a little annoyed that I couldn't find red & green sprinkles or food coloring to make my own, but some pastel sprinkles and crushed candy cane kept them very festive.  This afternoon Fabri & I are going to go around like little elves delivering cookies to our neighbors.  That will be fun I hope.
Christmas trees and shooting stars
 I'm not happy about our weather forecast.  Last week it was the coldest week of the year, well below zero every day.  Now it's warmed up, just in time to rain for 3 days!!!  What's up with that!?!?  All I want is snow and I survived freezer week so I could get rained on for Christmas? Boo.
Gaetano, Detta & the birthday girl, Sofia!
Anyway, last night we went to Sofia's first birthday party.  It was fun, but we ate a lot pretty quickly because it was a work night and I was feeling stuffed and not ready for all this Christmas eating at the end of the week.  Oh well, I'll rally and tonight we'll just eat veggies!
Elio and I putting together Sofia's new toy.


Unknown said...

you go girl!!! :) thanks for the weather forecast..didnt know about that..but we'll all be in eating anyway! Lovely looking cookies...

Carolyn said...

Another fun week for you!! I only made molasses cookies and biscotti, which still need to be dipped in chocolate. Unfortunately I've been spending all my time dipping chocolates for work instead of play. Oh, my life!! Cute pic of the crying birthday girl!

Lauren said...

Sorry to hear the weather isn't cooperating. I was in Chicago last week where it was 12 degrees and that was chilly enough for me! Last night I made some peppermint bark with shortbread base that turned out quite yummy! Have a Merry XMas, Jessie! :-)

Jess said...

Thank you ladies!! We just delivered cookies to most of our neighbors which was fun.