Monday, May 14, 2012

2 Months Old!!

Giulio turned 2 months old on Saturday! At his last weigh in, he weighed 14 lbs 6 oz and was almost 2 ft long!!

From Giulio - 2 Months Old

At 2 months old, Giulio no longer cries & screams during bath time.  He might actually start to enjoy it!

From Giulio - One Month Old

2 months old means Giulio's puppy has come home to stay and he helps me take Olney for walks every day.

From Giulio - One Month Old

Giulio's getting so long that soon he won't fit in his bassinet anymore. I've got the crib in his room all ready for him, but Fabri and I aren't ready for him to sleep there yet...

From Giulio - One Month Old

Yesterday was Giulio & my first Mother's Day.  We had a big lunch with our Italian family to celebrate Giulio.  We had a great time showing our little guy off and introducing Giulio to the crazy family he's been born into.  He responded like a champ, being held by everyone and often falling asleep in their arms.

From Giulio - 2 Months Old
Check out my Picasa Web Albums for more photos of our sweetie pie Giulio!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Il Grande Gabriele

Questi sono i nostri amici Gabriele & Angela.  Gabriele e' un Carabiniere.
(These are our friends Gabriele & Angela.  Gabriele is a police officer.) 

Below Gabriele is wearing the Naples soccer team shirt, just like Furio in the Sopranos (Fabri's observation, not mine)

Siamo andati per vedere la loro bella casa nuova.
(We went to see their beautiful new house.)
Angela e' incinta di due gemelli!  Loro sono i futuri amici migliori di Giulio.
(Angela is pregnant with twins.  They are Giulio's future best friends.)

Angela e' la migliore cuoca del mondo e Gabriele e' il peggiore mangiatore del mondo...
(Angela is the best cook in the world and Gabriele is the worst eater in the world...)

(Gabriele said he'd arrest me if I didn't write this post!)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Aunt Laura & Uncle Chris' Visit

For my birthday, Laura, Chris and I took Giulio on a walking tour of Saluzzo.  The weather was cooperating and we ate lunch outside in front of the Duomo.

After lunch we walked up the hill to see the Saluzzo castle.

On Saturday we went to a wine tasting in La Morra where I impressed everyone by being friends with the cantina workers!

Laura & Chris got a lot of Giulio snuggling time in and we all had a really great time!