Thursday, May 10, 2012

Il Grande Gabriele

Questi sono i nostri amici Gabriele & Angela.  Gabriele e' un Carabiniere.
(These are our friends Gabriele & Angela.  Gabriele is a police officer.) 

Below Gabriele is wearing the Naples soccer team shirt, just like Furio in the Sopranos (Fabri's observation, not mine)

Siamo andati per vedere la loro bella casa nuova.
(We went to see their beautiful new house.)
Angela e' incinta di due gemelli!  Loro sono i futuri amici migliori di Giulio.
(Angela is pregnant with twins.  They are Giulio's future best friends.)

Angela e' la migliore cuoca del mondo e Gabriele e' il peggiore mangiatore del mondo...
(Angela is the best cook in the world and Gabriele is the worst eater in the world...)

(Gabriele said he'd arrest me if I didn't write this post!)


mom said...

Ciao! You all look like you're having fun and Giulio is growing so fast!

Laura Goldstein said...

Are you putting him in anything OTHER than those Aladdin pants??
Just askin! :)

Jess said...

That's a white sleep & play, not the aladdin pants!! Also, the Aladdin pants are awesome!!!