Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy 2012!  I'm naming this year "2012 - things are happening" because a lot of things are happening this year.  I have a cousin getting married in April, a college roommate getting married in June, a sister-in-law getting married in August, my little sister is getting married in the fall, and a cousin getting married in December; and oh yeah, I'm giving birth in March!  Those are the kind of things that are happening.  There will also be some immigration things to do including (hopefully, and if not this year I will freak out) my being sworn in as an Italian citizen and then getting a work contract with the University of Turin.  Two passports and real work, always exciting.  There will also be a trip to Milan to the US embassy to get this bilingual, dual citizen baby registered as a US citizen and get him or her a US passport so that he or she can come to the US and eat cake at some of these weddings!  Fabri's work is stable and this year he'll be doing some tutoring for the master's program he just completed in December (thank goodness that's over with and he finished with top scores and cum laude).  We're feeling really lucky and excited to have all this to look forward to this year.

In 2011 I really dropped the ball on the blog writing.  This late summer/early fall while I was in my first trimester and feeling nauseous all the time, I really didn't have anything good to I decided not to say anything at all.  I did not adequately pick things up these last couple months though and I have lots of great photos to post and stories to tell.  Even stories that do NOT involve Olney (if you can believe it)!  So as my first new year's resolution, I'm going to go back in time a bit and post those stories & photos you're missing out on.  I'll wait to make any other resolutions as my whole life will change in March and there's no point in saying I'm going to lose weight or run a marathon or write the great American novel right now.  (Losing weight is an especially touchy subject because I still have 2 months of gaining weight to do). 

I'm not sure if little babies are conducive to blogging, but at least I'll never lack inspiration for my posts, so if these past couple years have been all about Olney, expect the next ~18 or so to be all about the baby. 

Happy 2012 everyone - things are happening!!!


Jenny said...

Yay! I'm the first to comment in the New Year! This will be an exciting year for you. And the good news is that little babies are excellent about letting you blog. They love sitting next to you while you type and don't mind napping if you feel the urge to really write a lot. However, larger babies who like to crawl and especially those who like walk, not so much. Once they become more interactive it's like they want you to pay attention to them *all* the time. Seriously, what's up with that? I was so much more productive before Emma decided she liked to interact with me. Now it's "Ma, Ma, Ma!" and Peek-a-boo all day long. If she wasn't so darn cute, I might have to hold it against her ;-)

I can't wait to meet your baby and hold him/her this summer! You'll have so much fun being a Mom and fall in love all over again. It's amazing!

mom said...

Well you really said it now. I can't wait til your next blog honey.
love you xxxooo

Amy Buff said...

I can't wait to read about the baby:)

Unknown said...

Jess... these upcoming events this year for you guys are so exciting. You have to live here to understand what a huge thing it is to get a work contract and citizenship! WOW! great things after all that effort... And of course so excited about the baby arrival!:)