Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I'm back in Italy and Fabri, the house & Olney all survived my absence just fine. Now I'm caught up on the laundry and the cleaning which is good. Fabri and I went to the grocery store on Friday and bought lots & lots of groceries to refill the fridge.

Saturday we're throwing a 4th of July Barbeque. I'm excited about that and bought a bunch of American Flag decorations and such. Too bad there won't be fireworks. We're going to make hamburgers & hotdogs & bbq ribs outside on the grill. Also pasta salad and maybe cole slaw. I want to get a keg, but we'll have to wait and see. Oh, did I mention the party is at the pool in Ruffia? So that should be fun. Go America!!


mom said...

Hi Jess! It sounds like a nice
4th of July party. love you, mom

Anonymous said...

I wrote a longer reply a few days ago but it did not post. I am trying again, I followed you great directions and I see your mom made it in. Here goes, Aunt Pam