Thursday, June 11, 2009

6 Days!

This post is more for my own information than for all of you, but you should feel lucky to be a part of it. I'm getting ready for my solo trip to the US. Cleaning and doing laundry and such. I have to say I'm nervous about leaving Fabri & Olney alone. Fabri will have to take a break in the middle of his day to come take the puppy out.

So I arrive Wednesday evening in DC. Through my years of experience, I can guess that I will be tired and won't be doing anythign that night. Then Thursday night I'm going for crabs in Baltimore with my sis & rents! Yay! Crabs! Friday I head to Gettysburg for the family reunion. We're getting back Sunday afternoon and that night I will be hanging out with Amy & Vicki (hopefully) and anyone else who wants to hang out. Then I have no plans for Monday & Tuesday other than shopping at the advantageous rate of 1€ = $1.40. Wednesday I will pack, hang out at home, have an early dinner and then fly back to Italy arriving Thursday evening after a looooong flight.

Some things I want while in the US:

yogurt covered raisons
Callinectes sapidus (look it up)
grilled/barbecued everything
American flag paraphernalia
clothes sales
microbrew beer
quality family time (CHEESEY)

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

What timing! You're quite busy when you get here and I leave Sunday for South Carolina to start school, but I'm busy with family on Friday and Saturday. From the looks of your schedule, I think you're too busy. Well, I go to France in January and I'm there until August, so I WILL visit you in Italy some time during those 8 months!