Friday, May 15, 2009

Puppy Days

No pictures this time unfortunately, we've been sooooo busy with the puppy. And I started 4 new English classes a week. I've also taken on a private student for an hour of conversation once a week. I don't really enjoy teaching English, but I'm happy to be making some money and keeping busy. The only problem is that my schedule changes every day and things can change very last minute because students can cancel until 9 pm the night before the lesson. Oh well, it's not forever.

So Olney is doing very well. He is practically house trained (knock on wood) and hasn't had an accident since he was sick on Monday from too much food at a family dinner. We have been taking him all over with us, so he's getting used to people AND he let a couple kids in the center of Saluzzo pet him this weekend. That was a big deal as he is still terrified of kids; kids & bikes. We're working on that. We want him to be very well socialized. He has been to Ruffia several times and loves to run around the big yard. He's interested in the pool, but hasn't been in yet. If it is sunny at all this weekend (outlook doubtful), we're gonna throw him in.

We need to pick up Olney's training. He jumps way too much on us and also on the furniture. It's not bad now because he's still little, but he's going to be big and that won't be good. Also I don't like it when the dog gets up on the couch next to you, so Olney's gonna have to learn. When he wants somethign and jumping up doesn't work, he's learned to sit. We're also learning wait, down, come here, go to bed & heel. The best would be if he understood "off" & "stop biting." But he's been with us for less than 2 weeks, so I think we're doing pretty good.

On Wednesday we brought him to an outdoor party for Antonio's political party. He's running for Vice Mayor of Savigliano or something like that. Fabri & I didn't know most of the people at the party, but they all thought Olney was cute and he hardly barked at all, and he let lots of people pet (and especially feed) him.

Anyway, our lives for the past 2 weeks have been all about the puppy and work, so I don't have anything that exciting to say. Today is a good day to be a duck, so we're going to be staying dry inside mostly. Tonight we'll probably go to the Irish pub I love with Danny & Anna. Tomorrow we're going to a book presentation at Ruffia for Sylvia (Fabri's cousin's wife). She wrote a book of short stories. Then Sunday we're going to the 5 Senses Festival in Savigliano. I've been told there will be a lot of herbs and spices and fun stuff.

Take care and have a good weekend all!

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