Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bundle of Joy

Amy & Vicki are back in the US, but things are not getting back to normal in our house because we adopted a puppy on Monday! He's a 3 month old mutt with a lot of lab and maybe some type of sight hound. We named him Olney. We got him from a farm not far from here. Our friend, a horse vet, found him because she looks after the family's donkeys. He is a big sweetie and we are very happy with his behavior considering he's only been with us for 3 days. At first he freaked out about the leash, now he walks pretty well on it. He's getting closer to being house trained too. He hasn't chewed on anything yet either! He's just a super sweetie that follows us around when we're home.

Both Fabri and I had a lot of fun with Amy & Vicki. We ate a LOT and celebrated our birthdays. I drove us to Nice for my first time which was both scary and exciting. The road through the Alps has a lot of hair pin curves and not a lot of guard rails, so I was nervous about driving it, but it was no problem and everyone was impressed. You should look at all the photos with Amy & Vicki on my Picasa albums (link to the right---->).

On Sunday the girls went to Turin to see some museums/galleries and Fabri was working, so I went to a flea market in Savigliano. Maria Pia came with me for a little while before she went to a lunch and we bought a bunch of stuff including some gifts for Amy & Vicki. Now I have all sorts of new glassware that we got for next to nothing. Presents are fun. Also, Maria Pia offered to pay for a cooking class for me for my birthday which was nice.

Anyway, I have to get ready for my classes this evening. Now there will be puppy stories in addition to cooking & gardening stories!


Amy Buff said...

Has Olney pooped yet? And I've been telling everyone what an awesome job you did taking the scary hairpin turns in the Alps:)

Laura Goldstein said...

sooooo cuuuuute....even though getting an email called bundle of joy from you is a little scary for me!

Jess said...

Adopting Olney just makes Fabri and I realize more how much we don't want a baby right now. He's sooooo much work!