Tuesday, February 12, 2013


The plan was to put Giulio to bed around 9 then relax/nap until 11:30 or so and crack open some beers and pull out the snacks for an all night Superbowl viewing session. Well, Giulio had a fever the night before and didn't sleep well, requiring me to get out of bed 5 or 6 times, so this plan was doomed from the start. I put Giulio to bed, had a little dinner and was in bed myself by 10:30 with NO plans to get back out of that bed unless absolutely necessary. Fabri stayed up to watch the game very quietly on the couch all alone. He made it through the first half and say Beyonce perform, but then the power outage hit. Imagine hanging out by yourself at 3:30 am with nothing to watch but a power outage! When Giulio woke up at 5:30, I found Fabri fast asleep on the couch and the Superbowl over, but we didn't know who had won!! We turned off our phones and went to sleep until the baby woke up for good at 9. We got him dressed in his Ravens gear and then went back to the couch as a family to watch the second half. If I had to pick a half of the Superbowl to watch, I think I'd have picked the first, but that safety and then the win at the end, were very exciting!

In honor of the Ravens Superbowl victory, here are some cute photos of Giulio sporting his Ravens gear!

Also, Giulio has been sick all week (the poor dear). He's better now, but he had Sixth Disease, apparently a common childhood illness that I had never heard of. Anyhow, he's back to his ol' self today, which is good, because if Mommy has to stay inside all day again she's going to go CRAZY!!
Look Mom, I'm all better!


Carolyn said...

So cute and so big!! Glad he's feeling better.

Laura Goldstein said...

What a cutie!!! Can't wait to see him (and you) on Skype again soon!! Xoxo : )