Sunday, October 14, 2012

7 Months Old!!

Friday Giulio turned 7 months old and weighs about 24 lbs and is 28 inches tall. This kid is super baby! He's crawling, of course, he has been for almost a month. A couple of weeks ago he began pulling himself up, first on his knees, and now on his feet. He can do it at the couch and at the coffee table. My not-so-little guy has places to go and people to see and crawling isn't getting him there fast enough!

It's amazing how must personality he has already at 7 months. He's outgoing, not shy at all, always full of smiles even for people he doesn't know. He loves going out and looks around observing everything when we go to a new place. Now that he's crawling he can crawl to his favorite play things which include the guitar, the amp, my shoes, the jumperoo and all of Olney's toys. Speaking of Olney, those two are getting along well, but they sure do leave me exhausted!!
So happy to be up on his feet!

Visiting Michela and Zio Marco
Walking home with Daddy after dinner out


Anna and Micah said...

Love all the pics and all those smiles! We miss you guys and Italy!

Lauren said...

These are adorable pictures! Looking forward to seeing you guys soon <3

Unknown said...

he just keeps getting cuter and cuter!

witcrow said...

Jess, He is so cute I just want to eat him up! Those twinkling blue eyes-I wonder where those came from...His smiles make me smile which is always a good thing. Can't wait to celebrate in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to kiss the baby.