Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our 2 whole weeks of Autumn are over!

We've been having some crazy weather here and I think it's going to be a crazy winter. As long as we can get in & out on our flights, I don't care about the snow; I love it! So here's the crazy weather recap.

July and the beginning of August were sort of cool and rainy. 

Then the end of August, all of September and the beginning of October were hot with above average temperatures.  We got some extra pool days in there.  

Now we've been having consecutively colder & colder days (and especially nights) for this second part of October culminating in a very cold (high 45°F) and rainy day yesterday.  Well when it's that cold and raining in Saluzzo, guess what it's doing in the mountains...

It's SNOWING of course!  So now today we're back in the 60s and it's sunny and clear and you can see those suddenly white peaks in the distance.  That makes me excited.  Snow, snow, I love snow!

One last thing of note, there's a new button/link to the right of the page.  For those of you on Twitter, you can follow Fabri to hear his take on our day to day affairs.  Please check it out!


Unknown said...

omg.. the mountains are so beautiful now! brrrr...looking at that swimming pool pic gives me chills just thinking about it right now!:) xoxo

Maddie Crow said...

The photo of the road and the mountain is gorgeous! I miss you, and can't wait to see you during Thanksgiving. I hope you are doing well :]]

Jess said...

Fabri took that picture this morning! It inspired me and I took the dog on a long walk to a field where I could look at the mountains. We both can't wait to see you soon!

Elena said...

Sono bellissime le foto che hai messo sul blog. L'ho trovato per caso mentre stavo cercando altro!Ora lo seguo.Complimenti!

Jess said...

Grazie mille!