Friday, August 6, 2010

Pool Parties!!

Beer can chicken on the grill
From Pool Parties!

This summer we bought a big Weber gas grill for Ruffia and I took up my position as Queen of the Grill.  Someone had to show these Italians how to do it.  And we've been having a lot of fun.  I've made a ton of grilled veggies, ribs, sausages, burgers, shrimp, steaks and 3 beer can chickens. The beer can chickens are REAL party pleasers.
Gaetano, Sofia and Detta in the pool
From Pool Parties!
The other great thing about Ruffia is the pool.  We've been going at least once a week.  Sofia (above with her mom & dad) really loved the water.  Almost as much as Olney!!
Olney loves the pool!
From Olney Puppy
This summer the Motta's built two extra roofs in back of Ruffia.  One to cover the patio outside of the kitchen, and the other in front of the garage as an extra car port type thing.  I told them they needed to put a ceiling fan in the one off of the kitchen to keep the flies and mosquitoes away.  We've been very happy with the results! I'm glad my ento knowledge translates to helping our everyday lives.
From Pool Parties!
This week Fabri & I hosted a dinner party in Ruffia. They were all friends of Fabri from high school and their significant others.  It wasn't as warm as we had hoped it would be, so people didn't come early to use the pool unfortunately.  But Olney got plenty of use out of it, and Fabri went for a swim before dinner as well.  I made salsa with home grown tomatoes for an appetizer/snack.  Then Fabri & I made bruschetta on the grill which was really yummy.  Mia brought a delicious chicken and artichoke salad.  Then we had a couple of beer can chickens, salad and steak on the grill.  Yum!  Chiara made a lovely tiramisu and Francesca (ready to give birth any day now) made a yummy little apple tart. I want to include an honorable mention for Paolo for bringing the wine & Gibo for bringing a yummy salami.  Edo, Andrea & Volario brought their ladies'. 
From Pool Parties!
Besides eating well, we had a lot of fun hanging out and chatting.  Mia also brought her dog Zoe to play with Olney.  The only problem is that Olney is very protective and dominant over the house and the dinner table and really put Zoe in her place a couple of times, upsetting Mia.  But no one was injured, they were just communicating how dogs communicate.
From Pool Parties!
Anyway, Fabri & I had a lot of fun and we're happy to get a lot of use out of the grill and the house!!


mom said...

Nice grill! Sounds yummy and fun.

Carolyn said...

That's one fine looking patio. Fun fun fun!

witcrow said...

Hi Jess,
I am interested in your brushetta on the grill. You mean you toasted the bread on the grill or what? Looks like a blast!

Jess said...

Aunt Sue, We just toasted the bread on the grill and topped it with a bruschetta mix of tomatoes, garlic and parsley!

Lauren said...

i have heard of beer can chicken being quite good but i haven't tried it... it looks pretty silly sitting up on the grill like that but sounds delishy!