Friday, August 14, 2009

A Bit of Excitement

I just wanted to post a quick story before we began our anniversary weekend celebration.

Olney has a best friend who he plays with several times a week. She's a 3 year old mutt that lives at the other end of our apartment complex. Her owner invited Fabri, Olney and I to dinner last night. It was sooooo much food and soooooo much wine. Everything was really good, except the pasta didn't really do it for me. Olney got a LOT of treats as well. We were all stuffed by the end of a late night. We got home at about 12:30. When we walked in and turned the lights on I saw a shadow in the living room. When I walked forward to investigate I realized it was a bat circling around our living room!! I don't know how the poor thing got in, the windows were only open a crack. Fabri was a bit scared and stayed back saying "you're a biologist, you know what to do." Well all I knew was they're good fliers and he wanted to get out, so I opened the doors and windows all the way until he flew right out. It took less than a minute. So that was our excitement last night! Watch out for bats in your belfry!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!
One year already, Congratulations!
love, Aunt Pam

Mom said...

Hey Jess,
I told Grandpa about the bat in the house and he and I agree you are a real Latchaw to kep your cool like that and figure out what to do.

Carolyn said...

Puppy has a best friend and you have a bat in your house! All is right with the world.

Carolyn said...

Also, go to our photographer's blog to check out a few shots from our engagement shoot. More to come soon!!

Jess said...

Now we're paranoid about bats getting into the house so we are keeping the windows more closed while we're gone at night. The problem is this is the hottest week of the year so far!! I can't wait for the fall!